Lake Michigan Real Estate New Buffalo Michigan

You will find New Buffalo located at the mouth of the Galien River and locatd on Michigan’s west coast. You are right on Lake Michigan and about a 90 minute drive from Chicago.

Due to its location, New Buffalo is a popular desination for Lake Michigan Home Buyers. In the last 10 years there have been nearly 150 Lake Michigan home sales in New Buffalo. In 2005 a home sold over $5,000,000 and several over $1,000,000. There are nearly 50 properties available on the Lake currently in this city.

Lake Michigan Real Estate Statistics New Buffalo Michigan

Average Price $1.3M
Lowest Price $409K
Highest Price $7M
Total Listings 55
Avg. Price/SQFT $409

Property Types (active listings)

Lake Michigan Homes For Sale New Buffalo Michigan

New Buffalo Michigan Lake Michigan Real Estate

Community & Things to Do In New Buffalo

NW Indiana Times readers voted New Buffalo as having “Best Michigan Downtowns” and “Best Michigan Place to Live.” If you’re either looking for a great place to vacation or a great place to live then New Buffalo may be just what you are looking for.

If you enjoy various events and festivals you will be glad to know that New Buffalo has street festivals and blockbuster art shows. There are even fireworks on the water and great sports. You can even get into some of the Great Lakes surfing.

There are plenty of great venues to check out if you like live music. There is always something to do for those that enjoy nightlife entertainment, possibly check out the Hard Rock Café!

You can go to one of the museums and learn about how the railroad played a part in the development of New Buffalo. You can also check out the New Buffalo Welcome center. There is plenty to do while you are here.


The public middle school and high school in New Buffalo rank high in the school reports, and the high school was ranked as one of the top 2000 schools in America. There are 720 high schools in Michigan and they were ranked #51 and nationally they were ranked at #1145.

Healthcare & Health

There are different healthcare providers available in New Buffalo. There is the Harbor Country Athletic & Medical, Kesley Medical Center, New Buffalo Medical Center, The Wellness Center and some private practices and other smaller clinics.

Transportation in New Buffalo

There are Amtrack services available in New Buffalo. There are limo services and the Michigan transportation services available should you need help getting around the city. There are about 1,800 residents in New Buffalo and it is easy for them to get around with or without a car. You can drive or you can use other transportation to get from point a to point b. If you want to commute to a bigger city you can also do this.

New Buffalo Economy

New Buffalo is welcoming to new business owners. Anyone looking to build a business in New Buffalo should contact the City Manager.

New Buffalo has a business association with over 100 members that represent New Buffalo and the neighboring communities.