Why Stage Your Lake Michigan Home?

Because first impressions matter-- a lot.  From the curb appeal, to the interior, to the life style the property conveys, to the quality of the photograph for listing on the web. Just like a job interview, first impressions matter.

Sure, you can try to sell your Lake Michigan Real Estate without staging.  Go through months of price reductions, frustration and endless “trying to keep the house clean”.  Or you can do the work up front, have the home show the best that it can and sell in a shorter time.

Simply put, most buyers do not have the imagination to see themselves in a home that already appears to be in use. Therefore, it is up to you to depersonalize the home.  In essence, you are repackaging the property. The property has gone from your home to a commodity to sell.  Staging is all about creating broad appeal for buyers; the larger the set of buyers that your property appeals to, the more offers you’ll get from these buyers. With a staging service, areas and rooms are rearranged and refreshed in order to shift the focus from stuff to space - so that prospective buyers are able to visualize your home as their home. Staging is also essential to point out and highlight the unique features of the property.  What is it that makes your property better than the one three doors down?

With the aggressive modern luxury home market, staging has become a near essential part of selling a home quickly and for the right price. So maximize your profit; reduce the stress of moving, and find someone to stage your Lake Michigan home.

Pamela Gafa
Interior Designer
Accredited Staging Professional
(616) 550-2511

Posted by Luke Bouman on


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